Creative Minds Learning Center

Sammi Jo Whittaker, former director of a Castle Shannon learning center, is facing charges of embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars by unlawful taking, forgery, and misusing entrusted property.

Shelby Landreth of Creative Minds revealed to us that their fall offerings include camps and one-time classes as well as Mentes Creativas – an interactive multilingual (English, Spanish, and American Sign Language) program for enriching toddlers’ development through education & multilingual (English, Spanish & ASL) activities and events for toddlers.

Table of Contents


Art is an invaluable form of expression; it transcends design or craft, communicates emotions, and conveys ideas in ways words cannot. Art also serves as an ambassador of culture, teaching us about different lifestyles and histories – whether beautiful or disturbing, informative or confusing, offensive or inspiring – serving more than simply as entertainment but as a form of life itself.

The arts encompass an expansive field of human activities and products that use creative or imaginative talent to express technical proficiency, aesthetic beauty, emotional power, and conceptual ideas. Such art may be created and transmitted through time and cultures while building distinct social and cultural identities within society and its various communities.

At Creative Minds Learning Center LLC, our teachers foster an environment that is responsive, understanding, and supportive of young children as they explore their thoughts and emotions. With guidance, modeling, and developmentally appropriate experiences as support mechanisms for this process, children will learn how to interact positively and productively with their peers while simultaneously exploring their creativity.


Music stimulates all areas of children’s development – intellectual, social-emotional, motor, and language. Learning an instrument provides fine and gross motor skill training and body-mind coordination exercises – creating the basis for academic success in later years.

Studies indicate that preschool years are an optimal time to introduce second languages. Our Spanish curriculum aims to cultivate an appreciation and love of learning Spanish, creating biliteracy. Students take part in numerous culturally diverse events and activities throughout the year.


Movement is an essential part of learning for young children, providing them with an outlet to express themselves creatively and physically while opening up their minds for academic exploration. Movement also fosters enthusiasm, motivation, and disposition in everything a child does, as well as helping them understand both their feelings and thoughts and those of others while honing both large and small motor skills.

The curriculum fosters every student’s confidence in themselves as creative individuals while inspiring respect for the artistic abilities of their classmates. Each lesson takes an exploratory approach to encounter artists’ tools, materials, and ways of thinking – teaching students to analyze both their work and that of other artists. Students develop 21st-century skills such as innovation, critical thinking, communication, and presentation – giving rise to 21st-century leaders!

Creative Minds Learning Center LLC has fulfilled New Jersey’s licensing requirements. Please visit their New Jersey licensing website profile for an up-to-date status and inspection report. Multiple Child Discount: A 10% reduction can be given on tuition for additional children who enroll within one calendar year.


Literacy refers to reading and writing abilities; however, the term is frequently used to encompass more than this simple definition. Literacy encompasses a complex set of social and cognitive skills that can be applied across media formats; literacy plays an integral part in education while helping individuals make sense of what they read and evaluate its credibility.

Although progress has been made in reducing global illiteracy, 763 million adults and 250 million children lack basic literacy skills – this represents a staggering amount considering the exponential expansion of the digital economy and text-based information available today.

Some scholars argue that literacy must be broadened to encompass a broader range of practices and contexts that are inclusive and new. Furthermore, an increasing focus has been placed on critical literacy – examining texts within society while considering power structures such as privilege, representation, and power structures embedded within a text – this approach requires knowledge of global language systems.